Utterly Moving Words Final Animation    

 This is my final animation for my Utterly Moving Words project. The words I’ve chosen are a mixture of what I saw happening in the movie clip as well as bits of dialogue that I heard during the scene. Overall, I enjoyed this project as it was different to something I’d usually do.

Utterly Moving Words – Kinetic Typography

This is a short kinetic typography stop motion, that I helped make within a group. Our task was to create a moving piece, using a cardboard box as a ‘stage’ and a mobile app called ‘StopMotion Studio’. Continue reading Utterly Moving Words – Kinetic Typography

Utterly Moving Words: Typographic Workshop 

   Type Grids and Hierarchy.

This workshop involved us cutting out different hierarchy levels of text i.e. Title, subheading, body text. The exercise allowed for us to experiment with the arrangement of the text.

I think that this was great because I was able to very quickly rearrange the texts to find a variety of solutions and also the best ways to reflect the different levels of information.



Collection Project Final Piece


A collection of shoes shoe.
This is my final piece for my collection project. I wanted to find a creative way of presenting a collection of shoes, so I thought ‘why not make a shoe?’, and that’s exactly what I did. I made a paper mache shoe and used collage to show the actual collection.

Mini Group Project


Here are some images of a poster that we created in a mini group project. The poster was based on the film, Alice in Wonderland… But with a slight twist. We created this poster using found objects from the outside environment, and our studio’s skeleton happily volunteered to participate in the project 😂.